I'm Sorry I Love You
Jim Smallman
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For too long people like comedian Jim Smallman have had to be apologetic about their love of professional Wrestling. Yes, they do know its fake. No, they don't care. Why? Because at it's core, wrestling is the most thrilling form of sports entertainment in the world.
Part history, Part love letter to a much misunderstood form of entertainment join Jim as it brings you tales of early 20th century Pioneers like 'Farmer' Burns and Frank Gotch. Learn about bizarre gimmicks, phenomenal finishing moves, Mexican and Japanese innovators and the McMahon Dynasty. Prepare for tales of the Montreal screwjob, the 'attitude' era, Andre the Giant, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Undertaker, CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and many more as Jim attempts to nail down just why this ludicrous over the top compelling quasi-sport means so much to so many.